I have never done a blog before but it seems to be the new thing these days and since I now live 2800 miles from most of my family and am trying to successfully stay connected I thought this might be the perfect tool to do so.
For those of you who don't know... I moved out to Washington DC from Redding CA on January 7th, 2009. It was my first time moving away from my family AND to see the East Coast. I knew that God was orchestrating it though so I jumped in head first. It didn't take me very long to absolutely fall in love with the Washington. I had always wanted to move to the East coast and specifically "live in a city with its own culture, lots of green growth and lots of History"... I cant say that I knew anything about DC before I came but so my delight it fit that bill exactly!!
The first month or two of me being here consisted of lots of praying for our newly elected President Obama and Nation because the shift in the atmosphere was so apparent when he came into office, and shopping for much more warm clothes because it is SO much colder here than in Redding, and meeting all kinds of amazing people!
I live here with two amazing woman named Melissa and Michelle whom I absolutely LOVE and am so privileged to know. Our job out here is to host the presence of God, host people that God brings into our lives, and join with what God is doing to bring revival and restoration to our Nation. Couldn't ask for more really!!!
Well that is all i can really fit into a nutshell and quite scattered really but i am hoping to pretty faithfully keep all of you updated in the days to come!!