Faith’s Wedding

On October 3rd, 2009 My beautiful older sister Faithy Lu got married to the love of her life Todd Stromback. It was a wonderful wedding but the best part, of course, was to just watch them be SO in love with each other! It is quite strange to have my sister that is closest in age to me get married though because it made me realize that I could very seriously get married soon too! Wow! I still feel so much like a child its hard to believe that is actually true!
After the wedding I got to stay two more weeks with the family and had a GREAT time just catching up with everyone. It is still amazing to me that I live SO far away from all of them. It makes me very much enjoy each visit though.

Because of going home for Faith’s wedding I decided to skip going home for Thanksgiving. It was my very first Thanksgiving away from my family and although it was NOTHING like the Thanksgiving I am used to but it was very fun and sweet. We ended up spending it with three different groups of people. It started out at our house with just the four of us, the fourth being Melissa’s brother, Luke. Then we stopped by the Economides and helped them make a few dishes for their table of about 30 guests. We also dropped off a pumpkin cheesecake we made for them. Then we headed to the Rheem’s where we had dessert and hot cocoa and eggnog. We then watched 2 movies back to back and headed to bed around 2am.

New York

The first week of December we headed off to New York City!! I had never been to New York before so Melissa gave Michelle and I a trip to New York and tickets to a Broadway show for our birthdays! It was such a fun trip! We did all of the usual New Yorky thinks.. Time Square, Central Park, Rockefeller Tree, etc. Michelle made sure we went to Serendipities, where she had frozen hot chocolate. Then we went to my first Broadway show… Memphis! It was AMAZING!! I was completely entranced the whole show! The dancing was spectacular and the singing was just unbelievable! I LOVED it!!!! I am hooked for sure now! Oh man it made me want to fly!! That’s the only way I know how to explain it, you know the feeling when everything inside of you starts to viberate at the same time as you feel kinda cold, but then you are SO excited you just want to dance and sing and yell all at the same time!.. THAT is how I felt watching that show. It makes me come ALIVE!

Anyways… I will have to finish of the year in my next blog.. Happy Day!!