Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Let's talk about the joys of marriage…

Being a single person I only have the privilege of learning about marriage from others and I have to say that on a regular basis I hear more negative than positive. I believe so much in marriage and the Bible speaks so highly of it that I don’t think that it is the ACTUAL case but I just want to point out that MOST couples forget to talk about the good thinks in marriage. About why they love being married and how amazing their relationship with their spouse is.

When you talk to your average person that doesn’t know the Lord and even some that do, especially men it seems, they look at marriage as some form of death to their FUN life. I believe that this is directly related to the fact that most people forget to talk about the joys of marriage. I personally have six siblings that are married and I know that they overall have great marriages and wouldn’t ever take back getting married if they had a choice but honestly I could probably count the amount of times they've shared positive things about being married.

I think that we as believers of marriage need to shift this view. Lets stop focusing on only the negative and remember to paint an accurate picture of marriage for the sake of us singles that are taking you at your word and are now REALLY scared of making the mistake of choosing the wrong person to marry. Or decide it’s just too scary to get married at all.

So all you married folk out there please share the good stuff too! We singles WANT to hear it! J

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

We must always be in a state of learning...

... This has become a very real reality to me lately. I will NEVER be in a place in life where I know it all, and actually I just recently realized that I actually don't want to know it all, Then the fun of discovering things would no longer exist.

Not too long ago I discovered the world of Personality Tests, unlike other people who hate them because they feel boxed in by them, I LOVE them!! I have been able to come to grips with the fact that I am who I am, not in a hopeless kind of way but in a freeing... "wow I don't have to try and be like everyone else" kind of way. Whether it has been conscious or not I have spent a good amount of my days trying to be what I think people want me to be (which is usually wrong, by the way) or trying to just actually BE other people which really is rather boring for everyone.

I have run into a new challenge with this new found discovery though. Who am I? I have used so much of my time trying to BE whatever it is I thought I was supposed to be I didn't use that time to learn what its like to be me. So here I am 24 years old (which is still very young I know) embarking on the exciting yet scary journey of ME! Not to be too dramatic or anything but the reality is I want to know me. I want to BE me so I am going to do it! I think the journey starts with... What do I like? What peaks my interest? Why not go down the road that looks intriguing?

I have realized that in order for me to make headway on this path I have to be connected to my heart and let myself be present in day to day life. To let things move me. I thought this was okay with me until I went to a movie with my nephew and found myself being moved by the movie and fighting tears back. Let me explain, this is NOT like me! I DO NOT cry during movies. Even as bad as it sounds I didn't even cry when I watch The Passion. So to be crying over a movie where a girl gets her arm bit off by a shark was just SO unlike me. As I was sitting in the theater though I felt like God asked me "Do you really want access to your heart, because THIS is what that means". It really got me thinking, am I ready for that? Am I willing to be "the crier". You see I am an EXTREMELY sensitive person, which I think is why I shut down so much of my emotions in the first place, I didn't know what to do with them. I FEEL WAY too much in my day to day life so its just easier to keep to myself with them. I don't want to do that anymore though, not at the expense of experiencing life to the fullest. I told Jesus Yes! Yes I really do want it!

Feelings... Welcome to my world!